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What Does Sally Do? The Full Monty Answer

Intuitive Arts & Sciences for me is the exact summary of what I do. I work to make a difference in the world. What I do is help with a myriad of forms, tools, techniques, styles and knowledge. What I do is help both internal systems of belief and action inside of people AND I do the same thing with external systems in companies and organizations. I am aware that there are rumblings of confusion so this is a copy of an article from my quarterly newsletter, News from the Sally Swirl, that was written in Spring of 2013. Here is an in-depth assessment of what I actually do with people and companies.

 This is my elevator pitch:  I help people and companies help themselves.

Here is another:  I do not predict the future, I help create it!

My tagline from 1985:  As we heal ourselves, we heal the world!

Intuitive means ‘knowing’ so my business name means “Knowing Arts & Sciences”. How I do this is with creativity, and both my highly skilled intuition in partnership with my intellect – I have BS degree in Anthropology and Master’s Degree in Creation Spirituality. However, experience from the school of Hard Knocks, living as an Entrepreneur, working as a manager for an innovative real estate company, doing my own real estate transactions as an agent, and holding hands with many people during their struggles, have all been my real teachers. So, basically, I share what I know with art and science. With so many stories of success, I know that what I do makes a difference. The evidence of which is validated in my testimonials and referrals on my website and LinkedIn profile which are in the public domain. Knowing that I changed someone’s life for the better makes me incredibly happy. All of my life challenges pale in comparison to the reward that my creativity mattered someplace, somehow, to someone, or made a difference for many.

 Here are some examples of what I can do, because I did do:

1. I created an International Intern program that changed nearly 1000 students lives in the last 10 years for AMSI real estate company in San Francisco as a consultant, then became their employee as a manager responsible for hiring agents, branding and advertising, the Regional Manager of the San Diego office, and I am a licensed California Real Estate Agent.
2. I helped multiple clients by regression work release pain in their bodies to become pregnant, heal chronic illnesses, shift relationships, and liberate blocks to their own success.
3. I have taught people how to listen to their own intuition and inner champion, instead of inner critic, to feel self empowered. Intuitive development is flexing our whole brain!
4. I have written inspirational text that helps people remember to love life and take time for reflection. Googling me will show you – I am a Content Generator!
5. I have helped businesses and entrepreneurs write taglines, design marketing campaigns, set goals, create simple websites, and deal with problem employees or vendors effectively.
6. I help people remember who they are, and how to be the person they came into life that only they can be. We get one shot to be our best self. Our souls live forever, but we do not.
7. I give away a writing exercise on my website, my thesis on Forgiveness a Path of Peace, as a tool which are 5 Steps to get out of the pain of our relationships to others or ourselves. I also give away Chakra charts to help understand the relationship between our souls, our bodies, and the elements of life.
8. I give spiritual direction and guidance with any of life’s challenges as another person’s perspective can fuel new solutions, inspired actions, and faith for transformation.
9. It is legal for me to marry people and have done so in the US and abroad. I bless houses, babies, deals, and help people create personal rituals that matter to them.

 With the grace of technology via Skype, phone, and the Internet I have worked this year in New York, Switzerland, New Orleans, San Diego, Telluride, Michigan, Chicago, France, without leaving home in Monterey. I record my sessions either by audio or video or both. They are sent digitally and then downloaded into your computer. If you do not have a computer I can send a CD or DVD. This information can be helpful the rest of your life, and beyond. I am compelled to share a story because I have noticed clients are not taking the time to download the files. I do not want to ‘make’ or manipulate people to do anything. Here, however, is a testimonial via a true Sally Story to how the work I did in the ’80s served someone the client knew in 2006, after they died. In other words, download the files please!

In 2006 I was living in San Diego. A woman called from San Francisco thrilled to find my website and to know that I was still doing consulting work. She had been cleaning out the home of her deceased mother of her boyfriend and came across several cassettes from sessions the mother had done with me in the late ’80s. She felt guided by the Spirit of the departed client to listen to the tapes. Overwhelmed with the accuracy of my articulation of this mother’s life priorities (in her words I nailed it) and the effective advice I had given for my client’s career, she was motivated to find me. The session was not just helpful for the my client while she was alive, but after her life too! The session was helpful for her son’s girlfriend to forgive some of their grievances, and, get career insights helpful in a job market 20+ years later! Even this true story blows me away! This is one of the reasons I have written a book about my work. It works!

Clients over the years have organized evenings in their homes to share an experience with me in a casual group setting. I have clients too that have prepaid sessions so that I can purchase an air ticket or buy gas to come to them. If you have any interest in creating these kinds of educational, creative, or healing opportunities for others, just ask. We together can make it happen. You then become a catalyst for others to find their way, their healing, and hope for their dreams. In February a client in Pebble Beach created a private woman’s only Intuitive Development Workshop over a weekend for her friends. The possibilities are endless!

Helping others is what I do, and my advertised sliding scale is $50 – 200 per hour. I started my practice in 1985 charging $50 an hour. In the last year I have work for nothing, $10, 15, 20, 25 per hour for both business and personal consulting. I charge what someone can pay if they cannot afford my rate. I have charged $200 after obtaining my MA (student loans still to pay off) and launching my website in 2001. One week I also got ‘paid’ by a plane ticket to Chicago in a trade for 2 sessions and blessing a new house. Last week I got paid by a 4 color weave of color plus a new haircut. Yesterday I got paid by an acupuncture session because I love to barter! The truth is everything in life is negotiable. These are interesting times. We all benefit from having help. How can I really value what I am doing after the story I told you above? There are babies on the planet because of the work I did with clients on fertility issues. Is that worth the $75, or $125, or $200 that I was charging at the time – No Way! Just ask, and I will do what I can to accommodate your needs. In turn, you help me to live my passion and have my basic needs met. Win/Win is how life is supposed to be.

Here is the big disclaimer:

I am not a Psychic. Though I appreciate others who feel that this is an accurate title for their occupation, it is not who I am, or what I do. Here is the visual metaphor to help with making this crystal clear ~

Calling me a Psychic is like calling a mechanic a wrench. I am the mechanic – not the wrench.

My intuitive abilities are only effective because of the discipline of my intellect to assess situations, people, issues, and opportunities. From my perspective we truly are One. For me the unity of consciousness and the world is not something that needs to be proved or a metaphor. I live it every day. My proof is in walking my talk. We are all an absolute unique creation in the cosmic soup that will never be again as we are now. Let’s make the most of it.

The reality is I am a Healer and Non-denomination Spiritual Teacher. At this point we do not have a title that is simple for those of us who are Free Agents on the Godsquad. I talk more about this topic of modern theology in my book E-Motion ~ Evolution, Revolution, and the Human Condition. E-Motion is not yet in a published form.  Of course, for marketing purposes it would be better if it were simpler terminology. The good news, in 2013 it makes a lot more sense to people than it did in 1985. As we have moved away from traditional spiritual practices, it has not stopped our need for the quest inside of us to understand life. None of us are our occupations or our tools to do our jobs. “In Service” should be the title on all of our business cards no matter what tasks we do to thrive.

In summary, do not let my rates be the reason you think I cannot help you if you want it. That is your excuse but not real. You cannot really pay me for the peace of mind, release of pain, or success of your dreams that I can help you manifest. I do not do it for you, I help and support you to do for yourself. There is documented both rational and empirical evidence that I can catalyze change in your world. However, you must desire it or there is no reason to bother. What you can pay me for is my time. It is precious, fleeting, and will never come again. Let’s make now the moment we are, who we are meant to be. I am available just call 510-908-7319 !

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